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GenBank format .gbff instead of .gb

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:49 pm
by ferluz
I can't use the GenBank format .gbff to train my data at AUGUSTUS, since the perl scripts do not work properly, and i can't find my train data at CNBI at the .gb format, as you require.

Which other alternative i have to be able to train my data? Is there an script to convert .gbff to .gb format?

Thank you

Re: GenBank format .gbff instead of .gb

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:26 am
by katharina
Hi Ferluz,

gbff format itself should not be a problem, it is basically identical to gb format (two names for the same thing).

However, AUGUSTUS is currently very strict when reading gb format. There can be many, many different issues. Please post an example of an entry that did not work for you, and I will check what exactly needs to be changed to make it work.

I apologize for the long silence, I was on parental leave.

