Welcome to Bioinformatics Greifswald!
This is the website of the Bioinformatics Webserver of the group of Prof. Mario Stanke at University of Greifswald. This website contains information on
- The gene prediction software AUGUSTUS,
- the genome annotation pipeline BRAKER,
- and other software developed by our group.
Dies ist die Website des Bioinformatik Web-Servers der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Mario Stanke an der Universität Greifswald. Diese Website enthält Information über:
- Die Genvorhersage-Software AUGUSTUS,
- die Genom-Annotations-Pipeline BRAKER,
- und andere Bioinformatik-Software, die von unserer Arbeitsgruppe entwickelt wurde.
- November 2024: Deep Learning gene finder Tiberius is published with Bioinformatics.
- September 2024: learnMSA2 paper is published with Bioinformatics.
- June 2024: BRAKER3 paper is published with Genome Reserach.
- August 2023: GALBA paper is published with BMC Bioinformatics.